Our Vision: “To inspire all to grow mind, body, and spirit beyond themselves. To increase student potential and contribute to the global community, as peaceful warriors - Jung Shin”
Knowing that the last thing the world needs is another kick or punch motivated us to re-think what it meant to be a SPIRIT black belt. This led us to design a training curriculum focused on character development and not just martial related and combative skills.
By using teaching methods that instil values and principles whilst simultaneously developing physical ability, our mission is to produce students that will put such lessons to work in the home, playground, workplace, and community, taking martial values out of the training hall (Dojang) and into the world.
Always evolving with every step and adapting to the future with one foot firmly planted in the past, Spirit Taekwondo aims to set new standards in Taekwondo schooling and martial pedagogy with their creativity and innovation. In a friendly nurturing training environment with strong family and team values.